
Surprise Farm Retreat Center offers educational programs in the surround of nature, organic farming, and heritage sites.

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“Let us note, right off, that we of the industrial growth society are subject to a rare and probably unprecedented experience of time. . . . It blocks our perceptual field while allowing only the briefest experience of time.”

— Joanna Macy, World as Lover, World as Self.

Surprise Farm Facilities

Welcome to the Surprise Farm Retreat Center. When you come through the open green gate, take a left down the hill to a flat parking area.  Here was the Luckett Stage Coach stop, with walking trails to heritage sites, native plants, orchard and farm. To your left, along Old Wagon Trail, three glamping sites (by April 1, 2019).

The old Stone Hut used to be a wine cellar, now serves as a modern equipment room with refrigerator, smaller appliances, dishes and utensils. The covered kitchen extends outdoors with grill, sinks, and serving tables. Accomodations for a group’s cook-out, or for a couple to make breakfast after a camp-over.

Disability-code and beautiful restroom facilities are central to the Retreat area.

Surprise Farm Retreat Center is a charming place in the backcountry near Ramona. A short drive from the metropolitan areas of San Diego and Los Angeles, it offers the opportunity to camp, to explore small scale farming, and to experience workshops in a nature setting close to the city.


Surprise Farm Retreat Center offers educational programs in the surround of nature, organic farming, and heritage sites.

The experience of being in place, with creative intentional community, encourages well-being.

Our Mission includes learning from each other about meaning and purpose, in workshops and around the firepit.

We seek a caring and sustainable interaction between human nature and Nature, inviting Nature to heal us.